Feeling Overwhelmed by Your Cluttered Home? A Checklist for Spring Cleaning

A Checklist for Spring Cleaning.png

It’s that time of year. The weather is warming up, the birds are chirping, and that annual need to deep clean your home is back. Spring cleaning in one form or another is a tradition that can be seen in cultures worldwide and has been taking place for centuries. There’s something about the weather being warm enough to open all of the windows, yet early enough in the season before that humidity hits and all the bugs come out (don’t even get me started on Brood X). 

The benefits to having a tidy home are numerous, from reducing allergies to just plain being more aesthetically pleasing. Keeping your home up to snuff will also help with the upkeep of your investment and can even prolong capital improvements. Not only that, but a cluttered space can lead to a cluttered mind, and there is growing evidence that an organized and clean room is good for your mental health. 

Spring cleaning is a big project, and knowing the best approach can seem daunting, but I’ve helped narrow down a list to help you get started. 

Determine how much time you have to dedicate 

Figuring out how much time you can set aside for this project will help set you up for success. It will also help you determine just how deep your deep cleaning will be this year. Maybe you won’t be able to get to cleaning the patio grout this time around (I know, heartbreaking). If you try to wing it and take on too much without planning—like expecting to deep clean your entire home in one day—you are more likely to become frustrated, not finish, or spend too much time on low-priority projects. Be realistic and remember, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing — cleaning part of your house is better than cleaning none of it. 

Come up with a plan

After determining how much time you can dedicate to your spring cleaning, come up with a plan. Write out your list of priorities and work in order from most important to least. What rooms need deep cleaning, and what rooms will need decluttering? Also, a friendly reminder that you do not have to do everything yourself. If you have the budget, identify a few tasks that you can outsource, like power-washing the front of your home or hiring someone to professionally clean your house while you focus on organizing. Don’t try to take on too much and seek help where needed. It may be worth it. 

Make a killer playlist

This is obviously the most essential part of the process. While cleaning may not be anyone’s number one favorite pastime, having a fun playlist will make the whole event more enjoyable and will help keep your energy levels up. Just try not to get too sidetracked when practicing the occasional dance move with your broom. 

Restock your cleaning supplies before getting started

There’s nothing worse than getting into hardcore cleaning mode then realizing halfway through that you are out of Windex or detergent. By the time you go to the store and return, you may lose some of your steam. Starting the job with everything you need will help you be efficient and avoid a potentially frustrating situation. 

Plan a reward for yourself

While finishing your spring cleaning will be highly satisfying in many ways, nobody said this would be easy. Plan a little treat for yourself (and anyone who helps) so that you have something rewarding to look forward to while scrubbing away. Maybe it’s something nice for your home, like that fancy candle you’ve been eyeing, or perhaps it’s taking yourself out for ice cream at The Charmery. Whatever it is, take the time to celebrate your accomplishment. 

Good luck on your journeys, my fellow spring cleaners! For more tips on all things home-related, be sure to check out the rest of my blog. If you’re looking to get advice on home improvements that will increase property value or are thinking of selling in the near future, feel free to reach out to me, your friendly Baltimore real estate agent, through my website or give me a call at (302) 545-8569. 


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