Selling a Home in 2022

If you’ve been following along with the Hudler Homes blog, you may have seen our guide to Buying a Home in 2022. Now we are sharing how to sell your home in 2022. The new year has arrived and it’s sure to be another crazy market for both sellers and buyers! Many of the trends we saw in 2021 are expected to carry into the new year, like limited inventory and competitive offers. Read more below about a few tips for selling your home in 2022 from the Hudler Homes team!

The Good News

Great news for those looking to sell their home in 2022: we are still in a seller’s market, big time. With little inventory and still-low interest rates, now is one of the best times to consider selling your property. With many working remotely, buyers are wanting to find properties that are larger or more accommodating to their new lifestyle at home. This has forced millions to search for new properties in 2021, and that’s not stopping anytime soon in the new year. The bidding wars and multiple offers that we saw last year are expected to continue in the new year, as well. Home prices should continue to rise or stay high in the new year, also. Many homeowners have been fortunate enough to tap into the equity of their home to improve their property. This will only help as you consider selling your home in the new year. 

Things May Change Just a Bit

There are several factors to keep in mind as we move into the new year. While no one has a crystal ball and can see into the future, there are some trends that experts agree on to watch in 2022. For starters, interest rates are expected to rise. The Federal Reserve has already announced that the record-low interest rates we’ve seen up to this point are expected to rise in the new year. When interest rates rise, buyers will be paying more for a home, which can cause some buyer’s to hesitate. Inflation will also play a part in home sales, as skilled labor and the cost of building materials continues to rise. All of these are issues that may slow down the homebuying process later in the year. 

Ready to List Your Home?

If you are considering listing your home in the new year, you want to be sure you are working with a licensed and experienced real estate professional. The right real estate agent will guide you through the complicated process of pricing your home correctly, marketing your property well, managing showings and everything in between!

Are you thinking of selling your home in 2022? If you are looking for a real estate agent who knows the Baltimore area and can help you explore your options, I’d love to meet with you. Reach out to me through my website or give me a call at (302) 545-8569, and follow my blog for more home buying tips!


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