Tips for Relocating to a New Place

Relocation to a new city, especially one as special as Baltimore, is an exciting journey! There’s nothing like packing up your things and moving to a new place to discover the treasures of a new neighborhood. If you are moving to Baltimore from another city (or vice versa!), consider these helpful relocation tips before you make the big move!

Tips for Relocating to a New Place.

Plan a Visit

The most important step before you relocate is to actually visit the city you are planning to live in, of course! Researching a new place online can only go so far - you need to get a feel for what the city is actually like in person. Hop in the car or book a flight for a long weekend getaway and explore some of the things your potential new city has to offer. Rent a room in a central part of town so you can get a feel for the downtown area. Opt to walk rather than Uber to your destinations, so you can explore different parts of town. Stroll through different neighborhoods and get a sense of the area you’d like to live in. If there’s a festival that weekend, be sure to scope it out and people watch. Have fun picturing yourself in this new place!

Create a Budget

Relocation can get pricey. From hiring the movers, to the actual fuel it takes to make the trip, you want to be prepared for all the expenses that lay ahead. It’s important to sit down and create a realistic budget with a little wiggle room before the big move. When we say wiggle room, we mean to create a small emergency fund for the unexpected. Your budget should cover obvious expenses like hiring movers, but don’t forget to include road trip costs, such as accommodations, fuel, and meals. Having a good sense of what the relocation will cost you will help you feel more prepared and in control.

Research Cost of Living Changes

When you relocate to a new city, chances are the cost of living will change in your new location. If you are coming from a more densely populated area, like New York City, you may be pleasantly surprised to see the cost of living go down in states like Maryland. However, if you are relocating from a fairly small town to a larger city, you should expect prices to rise with pretty much everything, including housing, basic necessities, and utilities. 

Find Your New Home

Now that you’ve gotten a feel for your new city and researched what it will cost to get there, it’s time for you to find a new home! Whether you are just starting the home buying process or you already have an idea of where you’d like to live, I want to help you find your dream home! I know the Baltimore housing market well and I’d love for you to reach out to me through my website or give me a call at (302) 545-8569. Also, follow my blog for more home buying tips!


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